排隊的店~杏仁豆腐冰 膠原蛋白 這是家沒店名 裝潢,也沒大招牌的冰店! 東森房屋 卻能讓饕客大排長龍,駱繹不絕,不辭千里而來! 結婚 台南府城體育公園旁的杏仁豆腐冰 可 土地買賣是曾獲選為台灣國宴地方小吃!還是2008台南府城十大伴手禮之一呢! 新成屋 價格非常平民化喔! 店內的招牌~杏仁豆腐紅豆牛奶冰 節能燈具 傳統手工的好滋味~上面滿滿的紅豆,杏仁豆腐藏在裡面呢! 炎炎夏日來上一碗冰,真是超讚的!既消暑又好吃 花蓮民宿外帶的口味更是綜多,不僅僅只有原味,還有咖啡~山藥~意仁~紅棗銀耳~牛奶~焦糖.~......多種口味來選擇喔! 府城杏仁豆腐冰  (06)2143577 台南市體育路3號 http://ait888.tbar360.com. 居酒屋tw  .

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          廚房裏不可不知的十大常識 廚房裏不可不知的十大常識 www.39.net  2008-12-5  39健康網社區 家常健康烹飪TIPS   1、炒菜時油溫應控制在多少?   2、是不是真的“油多不壞菜”?   3、“煙薰火燎”到底對人身有什麼?酒店打工v響? 看似簡單的家常廚房問題,其實卻關乎家人的飲食安全、健康和營養。   1、燒肉不宜過早放鹽:   鹽的主要成分氯化鈉,易使肉中的蛋白質發 網路行銷生凝固,使肉塊縮小,肉變質硬,且不易燒爛。   2、油鍋不宜燒得過旺:   經常食用燒得過旺的油炸菜,容易產生低酸胃或胃潰瘍,如不及時治療還會發生癌變。   3 土地買賣、肉、骨燒煮忌加冷水:   肉、骨中含有大量的蛋白質和脂肪,燒煮中突然加冷水,湯汁溫度聚然下降,蛋白質與脂肪即會迅速凝固,肉、骨的空隙也會聚然收縮而不會變爛。而且肉、骨本身的鮮味也會受 部落格到影響。   4、未煮透的黃豆不宜吃:   黃豆中含有一種會妨礙人體中胰蛋白?活動的物質。人們吃了未煮透的黃豆,對黃豆蛋白質難以消化和吸收,甚至會發生腹瀉。而食用煮爛燒透的黃豆,則不會出問題。   5、燒雞蛋不宜放味精:   雞蛋 部落格本身含有與味精相同的成分谷氨酸。因此,炒雞蛋時沒有必要再放味精,味精會破壞雞蛋的天然鮮味,當然更是一種浪費。   6、酸堿食物不宜放味精:   酸性食物放味精同時高溫加熱,味精會因失去水分而變成焦谷氨酸二鈉,雖然無毒,卻沒有一點鮮味了。在鹼性?部落格鼓咫丑A當溶液處於鹼性條件下,味精會轉變成谷氨酸二鈉,是無鮮味的。   7、反復炸的過油不宜食用:   反復炸過的油其熱能的利用率,只有一般油脂三分之一左右。而食油中的不飽和脂肪經過加熱,還會產生各種有害的聚合物,此物質可使人體生長停滯,肝臟腫大。另 西裝外套外,此種油中的維生素及脂肪酸均遭破壞。   8、凍肉不宜在高溫下解凍:   將凍肉放在火爐旁、沸水中解凍,由於肉組織中的水分不能迅速被細胞吸收而流出,就不能恢復其原來的品質,遇高溫,凍豬肉的表面還會結成硬膜,影響了肉內部溫度的擴散,給細菌造成了繁殖的?票貼鷛|,肉也容易變壞。凍肉最好在常溫下自然解凍。   9、吃茄子不宜去掉皮:   維生素P是對人體很有用的一種維生素,在我國所有蔬菜中,茄子中所含有的維生素P最高。而茄子中維生素P最集中的地方是在其紫色表皮與肉質連結處,因此,食用茄子應連皮吃,而不宜去皮。   10、 太平洋房屋鋁鐵炊具不宜混合:   鋁製品比鐵製品軟,如炒菜的鍋是鐵的,鏟子是鋁的,較軟的鋁鏟就會很快被磨損而進入炒菜中,人食下過多的鋁的以身體是很不利的。 (責任編輯:劉欣) .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 建築設計  .

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          急~狗狗送養~黑色黃金獵犬陪您過好年,讓您狗來富,家運旺! 黑色版的黃金獵犬( 關鍵字廣告Flat-Coated Retriev 個人信貸er平毛獵犬),沒有晶片 1/30下午在三芝芝柏山莊被住戶撿到牠 酒店工作,毛很乾淨(應是走失不久) 年紀才六個月大,是非常年輕的小帥哥 身上有一些 開幕活動咬傷,被別的狗狗攻擊所留下的,已經帶去獸醫院處理過傷口了 但狗狗本身的個性穩定且安靜,友善但不躁進 信用貸款, 在收容所與其他狗狗和人類的互動關係也很良好, 研判身上的咬傷應該是被欺負留下的 狗狗目前在中途家中,過完年後若還沒有人領?租房子i就還是要回到收容所裡 不肖狗商請不要浪費時間再來電或來信聯絡,除非你很想聽到我是怎麼詛咒你 我們不會給你這個機會把狗當生產工具然後又有更多的狗?信用貸款Q買走又丟棄!!! 狗狗今天已經帶去結紮了!! 有意願領養的網友麻煩請手機和我聯絡,也歡迎大家幫忙轉PO~~ 0958-285-526 張小姐http://www.doghome.org.tw/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=304307 吳哥窟  .

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          BEIJING TO PITCH NEW GLOBAL CURRENCY; DUMP DOLLAR BEIJING TO PITCH NEW GLOBAL CURRENCY; DUMP DOLLAR 長灘島 http://www.drudg 租房子ereport.com/ Shame on China Communist trying to commit the 保濕面膜crime following western low lower lowest, too stupid bad ugly evil to know that C 結婚西裝hina not ever needed to rely on any Global currency to commit "Sell and Buy" crime, too stupid bad ugly 租屋 evil to know that Rebel does not need those currency lies, Rebel just need to own fire arms to kill then take over all that 室內裝潢killed left behind. Not mention you stupid bad ugly evil China cannot even have the good will, good brain cell, good skill mankind to united your ow 吳哥窟n one China policy, how dare you can have that shameless selfish lawless Godless disgusting thickness to have a say to whatever global currency. Too stupid bad ugly evil 房屋貸款 to see how suck Chinese in HongKong, Mainland, Singapore, Taiwan showed in the different currently, not mention "Jane.Chain.Yan.Kite" no matter it looked like Dollar, Pound, Mark, France,Yen,.. 信用貸款...you can name, they must have no problem to see "0ne.Bond.Jay.Shot.Pin" "Way.Chain.10.Wend". .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 烤肉食材  .

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          女歌迷泛濫, 中國一定滅絕. 女歌迷泛濫, 中國一定滅絕. 中國女人沒有西方女人頭腦簡單心直口快打抱不平的長處, 再喪失中國女人矜持的優良德行,無恥無義的母性橫行霸道, 中國一定滅絕.__________________________________________________________________ The above comment supposed posted in (http://post.baidu.com/f?z=152583875&ct=335544320&lm=0&sc=0&rn=50&tn=baiduPostBrowser&word=%CD%AF%B0%B2%B8%F1&pn=50), and rejected by suspected "Huang.Whore" gangster criminal group that occupied World Wide Web Site under China Communist covering sky with illegal clause so called by them: "你的网?地址由于非法操作被封 " and that so called 网?地址 was assigned by them nothing to do with my freedom of choice. Taiwan Law 酒店兼職 Makers should ask HongKong law makers to demand China Communist to jail that web master immediately and ask their military court to try that web site master suspected "Huang.Whore" crime. ______________________________________________________________________ Those stupid bad ugly evil 女歌迷 showed off in Mainland China, used their big high posters blocked other audience right to watch the singer on stage, shaked their matched sticks to bother other audience's eyes, had it happened in Western(Yes, it happened in Canada so called 皇家劇院 even worse than those China Communist女歌迷showed off, 住商房屋because in Canada there's 女歌迷even shamelessly cut on stage to show off seeing other audience right like nothing[同一首歌-走?加拿大?哥? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePlHkpCKn2w]; this is why you Taiwanese must discuss this matter with HongKong law makers, because their 無恥無義的橫行霸道 could be turning worse showed off in Canada, if you don't demand China Communist to kill those 橫行霸道 at this point, sooner or later you Taiwanese and HongKong would lose your civil right with no returning point.) , there must be someone coming out to 打抱不平[Condi Rice and Hillary Clinton case you can only blame George Bush sen 烤肉食材ior and junior and Bill Clinton selfish like "高階退役軍官、將領,吃裡扒外, like 王蓮生(504-2326907/9823477 Honduras), 顧崇濂(顧悅悅's uncle), 郝伯村(郝龍斌's dad), 余俊(余玲 and 余千千's dad 86-10-29403594; 917-7146395; 718-6318895; 516-6817003;212-5024884;718-8841080; 718-6017120)....."Whore.Guy.Won.死." , otherwise those western 頭腦簡單心直口快打抱不平would like Jane Fonda or like the movie "The Way We Were" Barbara Streinsand working as volunteers, won't bother any tax payers to eat up them like stupid bad ugly evil female dressed animals Condi Rice and Hillary Clinton disgustingly "Dyo.Ren.Xian.Yan" 吃裡扒外 "High.Ren.High 房屋二胎.G.", Condi Rice has been relied her real Dad George Bush senior invisible force lifetime, you can go to see who you stupid bad ugly evil "Huang.Whore" hightened stupid bad ugly evil Hillary Clinton celebrating her wings party or parties to get the bottom line. ], asking those stupid bad ugly evil 女歌迷 respecting other's right to have peaceful mind to appreciate the performance, dare any Mainland China audience do good deeds like that?? Stupid bad ugly evil 橫行霸道 中國女歌迷 should all be killed. Why those 橫行霸道 中國女歌迷 must be killed? Because those 橫行霸道 中國女歌迷 if you allow them enlarged, you will have no room to grow your good free minded woman, 代償without good free minded woman available in your country, you all will certain fall into endless deep deeper deepest hells. Because freedom is the most important you must guard in order to have the better off; as long as you love freedom, even falling into hell, you would have the freedom to fly like birds, the second choice is to be able to be ghost Chinese so called "Goo(se).Hwen.Yell.Great.", the best is to back to heaven. Man has the liability to service his only love woman if he has one, man has the liability to service his community if he has one, man has the liability to service his country if he has one, man cannot afford to have woman's luck to have the absolute free mind, 建築設計man must rely on his only true love woman to fly him back to heaven or hold on with their true love in the between as ghost shape or shade; if he missed his true love woman in this life, he must come again immediately as woman form to get the woman intitled absolute free mind to earn the freedom to fly. Keep in mind that in this world you can only have the freedom to do good things, you must guard your freedom to do good things, you abuse your freedom to block other's free right, you will certain lose your freedom completely.This may explain how come man must divorce immediately if he knew or knows that his spouse not his only love or he is not his spouse only love, because if they are not the only love of ea 室內設計ch other, most likely that man will die before his spouse that means he did not finish his marriage duty in his earth life therefore when he coming again as woman form cannot get the woman supposed free light. Yes, that so called "?兆?" or " 楊德昌" did not divorce to release themself from marriage duty, they cannot earn their woman form supposed free light, they are certainly falling into hells sooner or later. Yes, ChiangKaiShake must have had to fall into hell sooner or later if he did not divorce "SungMayLynn" before he died, however, I think most likely he divorced her before he died, this may explain how come "SungMayLynn" must have had to leave Taiwan and died in USA. MouJerDong must have had seen this point before eve 西裝外套n I could have had any idea of this stuff, therefore, he did not marry "Chiang.Chin" at the first place, "Chiang.Chin" 's child or children not allowed to use MouJerDong's last name can tell. Therefore, if you are man older enough to be your spouse's dad like Woody Allen to "Su.Ill"(correct my spelling if necessary), you must divorce immediately to release yourself from marriage hell. [Because if she died before him, he has no way to get out of his out of aged cycle "Fa(ke).Ren.Sold.Sin", if he died before her, he's certainly failure in duty] so that you can have your supposed woman form intitled absolute freedom when you come again to earn your fly light. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 租屋網---------------------------------------------------"大????完,移?老?“扑通”一??倒在小便池里!! 移?老?迷迷糊糊的?:?有?有王法了?" (?子主?:[?帖]?心一笑 linliang 2007-08-27 10:33:28 http://www.tongange.com/ If your stupid bad ugly evil "Lynn.Dow(-Jones)" following MouJerDong "先見之明" faithfully, you only need 鋤頭. MouJerDong "Swall.Gwall." Policy could have had guarded you from "Huang.Whore" invading, MouJerDong one child or leave no kid behind policy could have had sharply reduced your population, MouJerDong seeing dead body ashes like shit capable ferterizing tree policy could have had solved the dead body occupying your natural resource sucks.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 褐藻醣膠  .

vemxchhor 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

          You are the Master, you have to kill any evil doer in front of your eyes <If you are unwilling or unable to seal your border, you have to do whatever it takes to bomb entire Continent of America with nuclear power, no matter you deliver that nuclear weapon inside USA or f 辦公室出租rom Taiwan or any other place to free yourself and the rest of world out of American werewolves hells. Do not follow American werewolves to murder @@You own public powerful, forceful tool, you 系統傢俱 have to do your duty to kill any evil doer showing up in front of your eyes ##That how American werewolves Bill Clinton and his ass whore Hillary Clinton got away out of their crime of lie out of that Bomb of Liby 辦公室出租a chemical factory crime, out of that WACO crime, out of that Noriega crime, because those US Congress political ring dare not offend their own narrow minded slavery linked brainless selfish voters, when those American werewolves sla 票貼ved White House tooled this common law. That how you have to seal your border, so that American werewolves cannot have right to touch you in any way, because you seal your border, means anyone out of Taiwan is your dislike, any crime committed by anyone dislike 房屋貸款you, must have nothing to do with you. Do not fear American werewolves to slave U.S.Military to bomb your Taiwan, because to die under bomb more merciful than burn down by the Hottest Sun; that can tell you how suck those shameless American werewolves Condi Rice and Hillary 土地買賣 Clinton can have that brainless to abuse USA national machine to have any say about Iran's free right to learn from USA only strong hold to develop themself to own nuclear power. I know You Taiwan must be one of the most powerful nuclear weapon owner, because you have those so called "He 保濕面膜r.1" "Her.2." "Her.3".....; yet your people still no way to enjoy supposed cheapest electricity Free of Charge. Therefore, you Taiwanese must have no right to back and forth running around the world, if you do, do not blame USA has to nuclear your entire Taiwan Island out of this entire world map. ##, no matter th 苗栗旅遊at evil doer showing in front of your eyes in the TV screen, the computer screen, in news paper, in radio, or in person. Because evil doer can have that path and stick to show up in front of your eyes must mean that evil doer too evil too evil luck to deserve a life.@@ anyone who is less rich than you or less powerful than you or younger t 宜蘭民宿han you, if you do, you have no way to win any battle ground openly; that means even you taken over the entire world darkly, you can only meet the most horrible crime scene to be burned down by the hottest Sun along with your entire Earth. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 濾桶  .

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          回覆:神的預知 # 185 [you need do the righteous duty nuclear entire Continent of America to seek justic for all AFGH and IRAQ] http://t 花蓮民宿ieba.baidu.com/f?z=126813747&ct=335544320&lm=0 婚禮佈置&sc=0&rn=30&tn=baiduPostBrowser&word=%CC%EC%B7%BD%D2%B9%CC%B8&pn=180 東森房屋 Because even USA working people must be powerlessly slaved by their own sucking Fed and CApi 長灘島tal Hill, not mention those underground chained slavery terrors controlled by their sucking Fed and Capital Hil 節能燈具l in their own backyard like those Taiwanese underground chained slavery terriors slaved by sucking ChenSwayBen LeeDoneWheel controlled by US 開幕活動A sucking Fed and Capital Hill. Just question yourself how those sucking ChenSwayBen LeeDoneWheel ("Mar.Inn.Joe" just one of the slaves controlled by ChenSway 土地買賣Ben and LeeDoneWheel committed China Communist said "Liang.Myan.Shore.Far" crimes. That may explain how come your sucking ChenSwayBen links can got so much media coverage to show him up un 結婚der your sucking "Mar.Inn.Joe" slavery eyes.) and their slaves got the path channel sticks to passed USA through illegally, not mention your sucking ChenSwayBen got hand shaked with USA First Lady twice in 租辦公室a roll or raw like Chinese said "赤裸裸"-"吃.Sean.Nun.看"-"Condi Rice" - "Sue.Show.Nun".   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店打工  .

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          2010 01 10 新流感 馬英狗啊 妳連補考的機會都沒有過啊 妳行啊 黨主席兼總統嗄 集權力於一身嘛 敗選不用負責喔 都是別人的錯 不是妳的錯? 好睡了!蔡英文鬆口氣 黨工喝HIGH 民進黨一口氣3席立委補選全拿下,主席蔡英文晚間出席支持者活動,也「ㄍㄧ 婚禮顧問ㄣ」不住笑意,說今晚包准可以睡得很好;細數蔡英文帶領黨從去年雲林立委補選,去年底三合一選戰,打到立委補選,一路穩扎穩打,支持者不斷歡呼喊加油;不 褐藻醣膠同以往,這位女黨魁選戰打法,終於讓基層心服口服。我們也獨家捕捉到,這晚輔選大將立刻席開2桌,20多人喝得滿臉通紅!民進黨支持者:「蔡英文加油!」 民進黨3席補選立委全拿下 澎湖民宿,蔡英文一面對支持者好像慶功,現場奏出勝利音樂,蔡英文說終於鬆口氣。民進黨主席蔡英文:「主持人說今晚會(開心)睡不著,今天晚上一定睡得很好,可以跟你們說,這3席因為國民黨當選人賄選,台東那席因為?商務中心閉F治利益交換,正當性不足。」 從去年雲林立委補選、三合一大選,到2010年的第一仗立委勝選,蔡英文通通交出漂亮成績單,看來蔡英文兵法已經讓基層臣服。蔡英文:「有做錯的地方還是要罵我們,還是要批評我們,讓我們有壓 seo力,不過罵得時候不需要太大聲,聽到了就可以了。」這時還有一位天王現身。司儀:「台灣這個時候有我們蘇院長來承擔,來熱烈的掌聲,給我們縣長鼓勵一下!」 支持者對蘇貞昌寄予重望,只差沒把選總統說出口;這時綠營輔選大將已經席開2桌,喝得臉紅 設計裝潢紅,低調地餐廳裡酒酣耳熱。記者:「今天有沒有多喝幾杯慶功一下?」民進黨黨工:「沒有啦。」記者:「3席全上耶!」民進黨黨工:「3席全上,感謝人民的鼓勵。」換成另一頭,整晚掌控選情的馬總統,卻是抿嘴走出總統府,這晚恐怕是馬總統睡不著覺! 租屋網 >.........................................................................................................................................3合1選舉涉賄 檢起訴33人 桃園、台東、台中9日進行3席立委補選,過程中,賄選傳聞不斷,事實上,2009年底的3合1選舉,截至目前,就有33人,因為涉嫌 房屋出租賄選,被檢方提起當選無效之訴,其中國民黨就佔了20個,綠營立委質疑,馬總統宣示的改革,清廉都是玩假的。 1月9日是3席立委補選日,也是2009年底3合1選舉,當選無效之訴的最後法定追訴期限,根據統計,全國已經有鄉鎮市長13人,縣市議員20人,總共33人,其中國民黨有20人,民進黨有4人,被檢方提起當選無效之訴。 辦公室出租 綠營還質疑,檢方起訴的名單,沒有縣市長,只打蒼蠅不打老虎,更何況,這次台中和桃園的立委補選,全都因為國民黨立委賄選而起,3合1賄選紀錄多,使得這次立委補選籠罩在陰影當中。 ................................................................................................................................... 辦公室出租......  .

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          礦泉水瓶勿重複使用唷 請您 礦泉水瓶勿重複使用唷礦泉水瓶勿重複使用 杜拜一個十二歲的女童,因為連續十六個月?室內設計洏峖P一個礦泉水瓶,她得了 房屋貸款癌病。一般保特瓶?堶惕t有一種叫做 polyethyl 居酒屋ene terephthalate(聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯),或簡稱 PET的塑膠材質, 九份民宿是由對苯二甲酸(Terephthalic acid)和乙二醇(Ethylene glycol)化合後產生的聚合物。P 室內裝潢ET塑膠具質輕、透明度高、耐衝擊不易碎裂等特性,也可阻止二氧化碳氣體,讓汽水保持有「氣」。因此,PET塑膠適合作 借貸包裝用,特別是裝載水和飲品。部分學者認為其?堶惘酗@種叫做 diethylhydroxylamine (乙基己基胺)或簡稱DEHA的潛在致癌物質,用一次是安 買屋全的,如果你因節儉或方便而重複使用,就有致癌危機。 原來每個保特瓶,在底部都有一個數字( 它是一個帶箭頭的三角型 , 三角型裡面有一個數字 )。假若數字在 & 酒店經紀#39;05' 或以上就可以循環再用。 而數字愈大愈安全。 假若小於 '05',即 '04' 或以下,甚至沒有數字,請勿再利用或加熱使用。 * 一般礦泉水瓶子   底部 苗栗旅遊標示 1   (所以不要放在汽車內曬太陽 !!) * 麵攤的塑膠耐熱碗  底部標示 5 * 一般泡茶的塑膠耐熱杯   底部標示 5 * 雀巢奶精瓶子底部標示 2 *林志玲廣告的優酪乳瓶子底部標示 代償 2  .

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          台灣百岳之旅~南湖大山4天4夜(上集) 南湖大山, 百岳中被公認最具有帝王之相的名山, 因為除了山勢雄偉之外, 周圍又有南湖群峰像是眾星拱月般的圍繞著南湖大山, 而且又有冰河遺跡~?谷地型, 台灣除了雪山圈谷, 另一著名的圈谷?酒店打工N是南湖?谷, 風景優美當然不在話下! 這次農曆春節很難得的有9天假期!本想計劃自行開車前往北橫走一趟!不過,二兒子將升高中 建築設計,考試壓力非常沉重!大兒子雖已上高中,卻有自己的朋友、同學….節目一堆的,才不跟老人家湊熱鬧呢! 平常就蠻喜歡驅車四處遊山玩水的我,決定給自己不 租房子一樣的假期~登山去也!平常雖有登山的經驗,但心肺功能不佳、鼻子過敏的我,在去年底參加登玉山主峰時,在抵達排雲山莊前就因高山症差點要了老命時出糗了!眾嚮導紛紛勸我隔日 情趣用品清晨切勿前往攀登主峰,或是必須簽下切結書……最後我很不甘願的放棄登頂而留在山莊休息等眾人歸來再下山囉! 從那次回來後,我並沒放棄想登百岳的念頭!所以這次隨同YAK前往南湖大山,我更小心的調 代償整自己的體力、呼吸狀況……!雖然在出發前我尚在猶豫是否真的要參加這次4天4夜的登山活動呢?在玉山還可請山青幫忙背背包,這次可沒啊!還要加背睡袋、睡墊、冰爪呢! 好勝心強的我,當然勇敢的背起背包,放慢腳步、調整呼吸 辦公室出租、跟隨大夥的腳步前往這氣勢磅礡的南湖大山! 大年初二(2月19日)下午4點30分左右,我在家附近交流道等車,很快的坐上車後沒多久,好友打電話給我關心並要我特別小心…..,我承諾會平安歸來的…..。 車子繼續北上又在新營、北港接了2位山友後,經 21世紀房屋仲介過雪山隧道、思源啞口….到達710林道登山口附近一廢棄派出所夜宿時,已是凌晨2點多了!第1次睡在陌生的郊外廢棄派出所,覺得好冷喔!從地上傳來的冷,讓我一夜翻來覆去,開始後悔沒自己準備溫暖的睡袋、睡墊…….. 大年初三(2月20日)清晨7點被大夥陸續起床整裝的聲音叫 買屋網醒!第1次覺得家裡的廁所有多可愛!因為出門在外一切從簡,無論多麼不願意也只能上野戰廁所囉!匆匆的吃完早餐、再檢查自己的裝備就上路了! 突然發現登山杖斷了!哇!慘了!還好嚮導借我一支登山杖,讓我有勇氣爬上這座變化莫側的南湖大山!走了近7公里的路才剛到登山口而已,心中開始掙扎…. 東森房屋最後經過了綾線上測候站、多加屯黑水池、木杆鞍部、夜宿雲陵山莊!這一趟算來共走了近12公里路耶!雖然是氣喘如牛、倒數第3名到達,卻是全程自己背重裝喔! 大年初四(2月21日)也許嚮導體諒昨天大夥蠻辛苦的,讓大家在睡到自然醒中起床,依然是餐後整裝出發,一路上陡坡, 大部分都在樹林下走, 還算涼爽, 不過這陡坡真的?宜蘭民宿n長耶~~  .

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