女歌迷泛濫, 中國一定滅絕. 女歌迷泛濫, 中國一定滅絕. 中國女人沒有西方女人頭腦簡單心直口快打抱不平的長處, 再喪失中國女人矜持的優良德行,無恥無義的母性橫行霸道, 中國一定滅絕.__________________________________________________________________ The above comment supposed posted in (http://post.baidu.com/f?z=152583875&ct=335544320&lm=0&sc=0&rn=50&tn=baiduPostBrowser&word=%CD%AF%B0%B2%B8%F1&pn=50), and rejected by suspected "Huang.Whore" gangster criminal group that occupied World Wide Web Site under China Communist covering sky with illegal clause so called by them: "你的网?地址由于非法操作被封 " and that so called 网?地址 was assigned by them nothing to do with my freedom of choice. Taiwan Law 酒店兼職 Makers should ask HongKong law makers to demand China Communist to jail that web master immediately and ask their military court to try that web site master suspected "Huang.Whore" crime. ______________________________________________________________________ Those stupid bad ugly evil 女歌迷 showed off in Mainland China, used their big high posters blocked other audience right to watch the singer on stage, shaked their matched sticks to bother other audience's eyes, had it happened in Western(Yes, it happened in Canada so called 皇家劇院 even worse than those China Communist女歌迷showed off, 住商房屋because in Canada there's 女歌迷even shamelessly cut on stage to show off seeing other audience right like nothing[同一首歌-走?加拿大?哥? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePlHkpCKn2w]; this is why you Taiwanese must discuss this matter with HongKong law makers, because their 無恥無義的橫行霸道 could be turning worse showed off in Canada, if you don't demand China Communist to kill those 橫行霸道 at this point, sooner or later you Taiwanese and HongKong would lose your civil right with no returning point.) , there must be someone coming out to 打抱不平[Condi Rice and Hillary Clinton case you can only blame George Bush sen 烤肉食材ior and junior and Bill Clinton selfish like "高階退役軍官、將領,吃裡扒外, like 王蓮生(504-2326907/9823477 Honduras), 顧崇濂(顧悅悅's uncle), 郝伯村(郝龍斌's dad), 余俊(余玲 and 余千千's dad 86-10-29403594; 917-7146395; 718-6318895; 516-6817003;212-5024884;718-8841080; 718-6017120)....."Whore.Guy.Won.死." , otherwise those western 頭腦簡單心直口快打抱不平would like Jane Fonda or like the movie "The Way We Were" Barbara Streinsand working as volunteers, won't bother any tax payers to eat up them like stupid bad ugly evil female dressed animals Condi Rice and Hillary Clinton disgustingly "Dyo.Ren.Xian.Yan" 吃裡扒外 "High.Ren.High 房屋二胎.G.", Condi Rice has been relied her real Dad George Bush senior invisible force lifetime, you can go to see who you stupid bad ugly evil "Huang.Whore" hightened stupid bad ugly evil Hillary Clinton celebrating her wings party or parties to get the bottom line. ], asking those stupid bad ugly evil 女歌迷 respecting other's right to have peaceful mind to appreciate the performance, dare any Mainland China audience do good deeds like that?? Stupid bad ugly evil 橫行霸道 中國女歌迷 should all be killed. Why those 橫行霸道 中國女歌迷 must be killed? Because those 橫行霸道 中國女歌迷 if you allow them enlarged, you will have no room to grow your good free minded woman, 代償without good free minded woman available in your country, you all will certain fall into endless deep deeper deepest hells. Because freedom is the most important you must guard in order to have the better off; as long as you love freedom, even falling into hell, you would have the freedom to fly like birds, the second choice is to be able to be ghost Chinese so called "Goo(se).Hwen.Yell.Great.", the best is to back to heaven. Man has the liability to service his only love woman if he has one, man has the liability to service his community if he has one, man has the liability to service his country if he has one, man cannot afford to have woman's luck to have the absolute free mind, 建築設計man must rely on his only true love woman to fly him back to heaven or hold on with their true love in the between as ghost shape or shade; if he missed his true love woman in this life, he must come again immediately as woman form to get the woman intitled absolute free mind to earn the freedom to fly. Keep in mind that in this world you can only have the freedom to do good things, you must guard your freedom to do good things, you abuse your freedom to block other's free right, you will certain lose your freedom completely.This may explain how come man must divorce immediately if he knew or knows that his spouse not his only love or he is not his spouse only love, because if they are not the only love of ea 室內設計ch other, most likely that man will die before his spouse that means he did not finish his marriage duty in his earth life therefore when he coming again as woman form cannot get the woman supposed free light. Yes, that so called "?兆?" or " 楊德昌" did not divorce to release themself from marriage duty, they cannot earn their woman form supposed free light, they are certainly falling into hells sooner or later. Yes, ChiangKaiShake must have had to fall into hell sooner or later if he did not divorce "SungMayLynn" before he died, however, I think most likely he divorced her before he died, this may explain how come "SungMayLynn" must have had to leave Taiwan and died in USA. MouJerDong must have had seen this point before eve 西裝外套n I could have had any idea of this stuff, therefore, he did not marry "Chiang.Chin" at the first place, "Chiang.Chin" 's child or children not allowed to use MouJerDong's last name can tell. Therefore, if you are man older enough to be your spouse's dad like Woody Allen to "Su.Ill"(correct my spelling if necessary), you must divorce immediately to release yourself from marriage hell. [Because if she died before him, he has no way to get out of his out of aged cycle "Fa(ke).Ren.Sold.Sin", if he died before her, he's certainly failure in duty] so that you can have your supposed woman form intitled absolute freedom when you come again to earn your fly light. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 租屋網---------------------------------------------------"大????完,移?老?“扑通”一??倒在小便池里!! 移?老?迷迷糊糊的?:?有?有王法了?" (?子主?:[?帖]?心一笑 linliang 2007-08-27 10:33:28 http://www.tongange.com/ If your stupid bad ugly evil "Lynn.Dow(-Jones)" following MouJerDong "先見之明" faithfully, you only need 鋤頭. MouJerDong "Swall.Gwall." Policy could have had guarded you from "Huang.Whore" invading, MouJerDong one child or leave no kid behind policy could have had sharply reduced your population, MouJerDong seeing dead body ashes like shit capable ferterizing tree policy could have had solved the dead body occupying your natural resource sucks. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 褐藻醣膠 .
- Mar 04 Sun 2012 13:59
女歌迷泛濫, 中國一定滅絕.